How To Spot A Yellow Diamond From A Yellow Sapphire

While a yellow sapphire can look exactly like a yellow diamond, there are some giveaways that can help you spot the difference with ease. 

In this article, we'll give you some hints and cues that will help you distinguish between a yellow sapphire and a yellow diamond, even if you're not a trained gemologist.


This is by far the easiest giveaway. Yellow diamonds are significantly more expensive than yellow sapphires. The difference in price is particularly more pronounced when comparing higher carat-weight stones and diminishes with the decrease in carat-weight.

For instance, while several factors affect the price of a yellow diamond, an average 1-carat diamond with an intense yellow color will most likely cost you not less than $10,000. On the other hand, a 1-carat yellow sapphire will cost you only about $430. 

For a yellow diamond, other factors which will influence the price include the 4C's of cut, color, clarity, and carat weight. But the richness and intensity of the yellow color may be one of the most significant price determinants. As a general rule, the deeper and more intense the yellow, the higher the price. This also applies to sapphires.


On the Mohs scale of hardness, a yellow diamond, being a diamond, scores a perfect 10. On the other hand, a sapphire scores 9. But even this ranking doesn't give a perfect picture of a diamond's hardness. To put this in clearer perspective, a diamond is about three times as hard as a sapphire.


A yellow sapphire can hold its own ground and give a pretty decent sparkle when put to the light. However, a yellow sapphire can't hold a candle to a yellow diamond. Because of a better refractive index, the facets of a diamond interact with light in such a manner that makes diamonds unmatched when it comes to how well they sparkle, glitter, and shine.  


Sapphires are heavier than diamonds because they are more dense. Density is a measure of mass per unit of volume. It basically means sapphires pack a punch within them. Since sapphires are denser, consequently, sapphires will look smaller than diamonds even if they have the same carat weight.

An important density metric is a measure called specific gravity. Specific gravity is a measure of the relative density of a gemstone with respect to water at 4°C, its most dense point. It's instructive to note that a diamond's specific gravity is 3.52. This means that it's about three and a half times as dense as water.

On the other hand, a sapphire has a specific gravity of 4. This means it's four times as dense as water—and hence denser than a diamond.


To recap, weight notwithstanding, a yellow diamond will easily outclass, outshine, and outlast a yellow sapphire. But that doesn't mean yellow sapphires do not possess their own charm, sparkle, and elegance. A distinctive advantage of yellow sapphire jewelry is that you'll not have to break the bank to wear one. They are relatively affordable.

In the end, your decision will depend on your preferred style and your pocket size.

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